In most freezers, a certain amount of frost build-up is to be expected. It shouldn't be particularly severe or much of an inconvenience, and occasional defrosting is enough to keep it in check. Some freezers even have an automatic defrost function to save you the hassle.

Sometimes, though, frost becomes more of a problem. It can build up quickly and become so thick that it restricts access or available space, and it can put extra strain on your freezer's power usage. Before you call out a professional for repairs, there are a few things you can check for yourself and some habits you might want to break.

Keep the door closed

When you're cooking and using a lot of items from the freezer, it's easy to leave the door open while you make repeated trips. Easy, but not a good idea. While the door is open, moisture from the air enters the freezer and begins to cause that frost build-up. It's amazing how quickly this happens, so keep the door closed as much as possible.

Check the seal

Even if you're being careful with how long your freezer is open for, a faulty seal can make your caution pointless. Carefully inspect the seal for any damage, and open and close the door a few times to make sure it's shutting firmly. Sometimes the seal simply comes away from the door, which can be enough to prevent proper closure.

Let food cool before freezing

Hot food that's still steaming will be adding lots of moisture to your freezer. Even if it's in a sealed container, the warmth of that container will attract extra condensation. Leave it on the side to cool fully before you put it in to freeze.

Limit humidity

If you live somewhere particularly humid, the problem can be more difficult to control, even if you're careful. A dehumidifier in the room your freezer is kept can help, and so can placing the freezer away from heaters, air conditioning units, washing machines and other appliances.

Limit empty space

Empty space inside the freezer helps frost to build up, so make sure you're not leaving it half empty too often. There's no need to stuff it full, but it shouldn't regularly be more than a third empty, with the contents spread evenly throughout.

Adjust the thermostat

Freezers are capable of being adjusted to some pretty low temperatures, but just one or two degrees below zero is enough to keep your food fresh. Any lower is just encouraging frost.

For more information, contact a freezer repair specialist.
